I have more than twelve years of experience in the field of natural resource managment and ecosystem conservation/recovery. For nearly half of that I have worked in local government for about six years and one year for the state of Washington. In my role as a natural resource scientist and ecosystem recovery coordinator, my focus was on surface water management and Pacific Northwest habitat conservation and restoration. I worked on a number of projects throughout my career including:
Surface Water Management
I worked as Natural Resource Specialist and the lead of the Surface Water Quality Team for Island County Department of Natural Resources. There I had many responsibilities working with other departments within the government and directly with citizens across the county.
Surface Water Quality Monitoring
Point and Non-point Source Pollution Monitoring and Detection
Flow Monitoring and Modeling
Benthic Invertebrae Indexing (BIBI)
Lake Management
As the senior surface water manager, I was a lake manager for Island County for four public lakes.
Harmful Algae Bloom Management
Nutrient Management
Citizen and Lake Associations Outreach
Surface and Drinking Water Infrastrure Planning
As the lead surface water quality specialist, I coordinated and collaborated with our planning, public works, and environmental health department's staff in surface and drinking water permitting and protection.
Drinking Water System Planning and Coordination
Onsite Sewage Permitting
Onsite Sewage Enforcement
Land Use Permitting
Ecosystem Recovery and Conservation
In my work at the county and the state level, I have worked on many ecosystem recovery and conservation projects in several different components
Grant Management
Grant Writing
Contract Negotiation
Contract Management
Quality Assurance Plan Writing
Salmon Recovery
Adaptive Management Methods
Salmon Passage Permitting Review
Salmon Seining for Monitoring
Habitat Recovery
I have worked on both sides of the habitat recovery grant application process. I will bring that information to any project.
Site Assessment
Watershed Planning
Project Planning
Grant Applications
Geospatial Analysis
I have more than eleven years of GIS experience also have and maintain a commerical drone pilot license which allows me to add another level quality to my work.
Geographic Information Systems
Site Mapping and Site Review
Land Cover Analysis
HEAT mapping
Storymapping Through GIS
UAS Operation
Site Photography
Wetland Mapping
3D Photogrammetry